0203 393 7120 info@chicknclick.com

CCTV & Security

Lock replacement and Ring Door Bell installation, sliding glass door burglar bar install, smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector installation.

CCTV & Security Services

We are in high demandĀ  often on short notices, for providing security personals for residential and commercial blocks in response to high volume of burglaries. We can also provide night time patrolling staff for high net worth clients to cover their residence or neighbourhood. PersonnelĀ  are SIA licensed and fully trained according to regulations.

Our qualified engineers provide highly professional service for CCTV installations. We also provide repair and maintenance services for CCTV and door entry systems. We have adopted latest softwares and technology to offer best user friendly solutions to clients who can monitor their properties from anywhere in the world. If that is not satisfying, we can monitor for you while you are on holidays or business commitment.

Reach Us

180 London Road, Romford, RM7 9EU

0203 393 7120


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